Saturday 13 December 2008

NICOLETTA godmother of the AJB

Jean-Philippe GURECKI, mayor of Villers, confirmed Nicoletta (famous french singer) accepts to be the godmother of the AJB(Association "Alert disapearance of Jean-Baptiste Talleu)
In her current tour, Nicoletta will stop by Nancy, which gave Jean-Philippe Gurecki the idea to
associate her to our actions towards finding Jean-Baptiste.
Nicoletta is very happy to be able to take part.
She's going to do whatever possible to help us, among other things, sending a mail to the Indian embassador.
She intends to talk about the disapearance of JB after her concerts.

Thanks to Villers's mayor, and Nicoletta now, we are starting to be known to very important people...
Thanks again for each one of these precious involvements.

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